Fields in this window

Purchases window - Service view


Choose Quote, Order or Bill from the drop-down list


Enter the name of the vendor for whom this purchase is intended, or click the search icon to display a search list of vendors to choose from. You can also use the Easy-Add function in the search list to create a new vendor record to assign this purchase to.

If orders exist for the vendor, a window will appear, listing your orders with the vendor. You can either select an order or click Cancel or New Purchase to return to the Purchases window, where you can create a new purchase.

After you make a selection, you can click the zoom arrow next to the Vendor field to open the Profile view of the Card Information window for this vendor.


Displays the terms for the vendor that are entered in the Buying Details tab of the Card File Information window for this vendor. This information will be printed on the purchase.

If you wish to change the terms for this purchase only, click the zoom arrow next to the Terms field to display the Credit Terms window.

If you wish to change the terms for this purchase transaction and future purchase transactions to this vendor, click the zoom arrow next to the Vendor field to display the Card Information window, then click the Buying Details tab. (In order to use the changes on the current transaction, cancel the current transaction, reopen the Purchases window and reenter the vendorís name in the Vendor field.)

Ship To

Enter the address you want to print on the purchase form. You can accept the default address -- your company address -- which was entered in the Company Information window, or select from the five addresses which can be entered for the vendor in the Card Information window. You can also click the search icon to display a search list containing all the people and companies in the Card File to select a different address.

Purchase #

When you begin to create a transaction in this window, this field will automatically display the next available purchase number which will become the actual transaction number when it's recorded into the data file.

If you highlight the field, Auto†# appears. You can choose to:

  • Delete Auto†# and enter a new number for the transaction or
  • Leave Auto†#. The assigned number will appear again when you leave this field.

If you choose to enter a new number in the Purchase # field and then record the transaction, the next time you begin to enter a purchase, the Purchase# will automatically increase the number you previously entered by one. This will continue until you again change the number entered in the Purchase # field and record the transaction.


This field will automatically display todayís date. You can change this is to another date, if you wish.

Vendor Inv#

If you wish, enter the number assigned to the invoice the vendor sent you.

This number can be printed on the purchase, if you wish.

Description column

Enter a description of the item or service youíre buying, using up to 255 characters.

Acct# column

Enter the number of the account you want to assign the items or services in this transaction to, or click the search icon to display a search list of accounts to choose from. You can also use the Easy-Add function in the search list to create a new account record to assign the items or services in this purchase transaction to.

Purchasing transactions are typically assigned to expense accounts.

Amount column

Enter the amount you expect to pay for each line of this transaction.

If you enter a positive number in this column, your linked payables account will be increased.

If you enter a negative number in this column (for example, if youíre entering a purchasing adjustment or a return), your linked payables account will be decreased. When you click Record, a vendor debit will be created.

You can enter 0, if you wish. Zero can be used as an amount for items you want to appear on a purchase; although no amount is charged, the item appears on the printed purchase. A purchase recorded with only zero amounts, however, wonít appear in the Purchases Journal.

Job column

Enter the number of the job to which you wish to assign each amount in the list or click the search icon to display a search list of jobs to choose from. You can also use the Easy-Add function in the search list to create a new job record to assign the items or services in this purchase transaction to.

If you need to assign an amount to more than one job, use multiple lines to record the transaction. For example, assume you want to assign $100 to your Widget Purchases account, but you want to assign $30 to job 12 and $70 to job 43. To do this, enter the Widget Purchases account number in the Acct. # column, then enter $30 in the Amount column and 12 in the Job column. Move to the next line, enter the Widget Purchases account number again, enter $70 in the Amount column and 43 in the Job column.

Tx column

This column is used to designate the services on the bill on which you are charged sales tax. If a mark already appears in the Tax column for an item or service and a tax code appears in the Tax field, a tax code has been entered in the Tax Code field of the Buying Details view of the Card Information window. You can change the tax code, if you wish.

If you wish to indicate that an item or service is taxable, click in this column next to the taxable item or service; a mark will appear to indicate the item or service is taxable. To remove a mark, click it.

Assign a tax code to the entire transaction by entering the code in the field beneath the Tx column. You can also click the search icon and select the code from the list.


This field displays the total amount of all the items and services listed in the Amount column.


Enter the amount your vendor is charging to ship the items on this purchase transaction.

If you wish to indicate that the freight charges are taxable, click in the field next to the Freight field; a mark will appear to indicate the freight charges are taxable. If you selected Taxed in the Tax on Freight field in the Buying Details view of the Card Information window for this customer, a mark automatically appears in this field. To remove the mark, click on it.


The total tax amount based upon the code you've entered appears in this field. If you want to change the tax amount, click the zoom arrow next to this field to open the Tax Information window, where you can change the amount if you haven't recorded the transaction yet. In the field to the right of the Tax field, you can assign a tax code to the entire transaction by entering the code in the field beneath the Tx column. You can also click the search icon and select the code from the list.

Total Amount

This field displays the total amount of the purchase transaction, including all items and services in the list, sales tax and freight charges.


Enter a comment to print on the purchase transaction, or click the search icon to display a search list of comments to choose from. You can also use the Easy-Add function in the search list to create a new comment.

Shipped Via

Enter the method by which you want the vendor to ship the items on the purchase, or click the search icon to display a search list of shipping methods to choose from. You can also use the Easy-Add function in the search list to create a new shipping method.

This method can be printed on the purchase.

Promised Date

If you plan to record this purchase as an order, enter the date you expect to receive the items on the purchase.

If this purchase transaction is an order, this date will be placed as a reminder in your To Do List window. If this isnít an order, the entry you make in this field is for your information only.

Memo/Journal Memo

Enter a description of the purchase transaction, or accept the default memo. This description will appear on various MYOB AccountEdge reports, as well as the Purchases tab of the Transaction Journal window. You can also print this memo on the purchase form.

If you change the default memo, we suggest you keep the word "Purchase" in the memo to remind you of the nature of the transaction.

Paid Today

Enter the amount of money you paid at the time of this transaction.

When you click the Record button, a window will appear that instructs you that a check for this amount will be recorded. The Check #, Payee and Memo information display for your verification.

This amount will decrease the balance of your linked payables checking account and will appear as an entry in the Cash Disbursements Journal.

This field appears for orders and bills only.

Balance Due

This field displays the total amount of the purchase, minus the amount in the Paid Today field.

Depending upon the amount in this column, one of three things will occur when you click the Record button:

  • If the amount is zero, a purchase with no balance (sometimes known as a "closed purchase") will be created.
  • If the amount is a positive number, a purchase with an outstanding balance (sometimes known as an "open purchase") will be created. This amount will be recorded in your linked payables account.
  • If the amount is a negative number, a vendor debit will be created.

This field appears for orders and bills only.

Vendor Payment

Click this button to open the Vendor Payments window to apply a payment to this transaction, if you wish.

This field appears only when viewing a recorded bill or a saved order.

Applied to Date

This field displays the total of the payments and debits applied to date for this transaction.

This field appears only when viewing a recorded bill or a saved order to which at least one payment has been applied.


Click this button to open the Inquiry Register window to view this transaction and all of the transactions applied to it.

This field appears only when viewing a recorded bill or a saved order.

Already Printed or Sent

Mark this selection if you donít plan to print this purchase transaction using AccountEdge.

When you mark this selection and click Record, AccountEdge will record the purchase transaction as printed; then, when you choose to print Unprinted or Unsent Purchases Only in the Print Purchase Forms window, this purchase transaction wonít be printed.

If youíre viewing a purchase thatís been printed, this selection is already marked.

Save Recurring

Click this button to open the Save Recurring Template window.

Use Recurring

Click this button to open the Recurring Templates view of the Purchases Register. Then highlight the template you want to use and click the Use Recurring button.

Exchange Rate

Click this button to the Exchange Rate window. This window displays your current currency and the Transaction Exchange Rate and Current Exchange Rate. This information is view-only.

This button appears only if you marked the I Deal in Multiple Currencies field in the System view of the Preferences window.

Change to Order

Click this button to convert a quote to an order.

This button appears only for saved quotes.

Change to Bill

Click this button to convert a quote or an order to a bill.

This button appears only for saved quotes or recorded orders.

Print button

Click this button to print the transaction.

An alert message appears explaining that the transaction will be recorded before itís printed. Click OK.

Send To button

Click this button to send this transaction to email, fax or disk.

An alert message appears explaining that the transaction will be recorded before itís emailed, faxed or saved to disk. Click OK.

Journal button

Click this button to open the Transaction Journal window where you can view a list of your bills.


Click this button to choose the layout you want to enter in this window. These layouts are summarized below.

SERVICE: Use this layout when you want to buy something not on your Items List.

ITEM: Use this layout when you want to purchase something from your Items List.

PROFESSIONAL: Use this layout when youíre buying items or services not on your items list and you want to enter a date for each item or service.

MISCELLANEOUS: A purchase entered on a miscellaneous layout canít be printed. Use this layout when youíre buying items or services not on your items list when you donít need a printed document or to make purchase adjustments.

Register button

Click this button to open the Purchases Register window where you can view a list of your purchases.

Save Quote/Record

Order or Bill: Click the Record button to record the order or bill transaction youíve made in this window.

Quote: Click the Save Quote button to save the quote transaction youíve made in this window.

Cancel button

Click this button to remove all the entries youíve made and close the window.

Fields in the Purchases window - Service view